In this final installment of the "Favorites of 2020" episodes, Brian finishes off his list of titles he loved from what was clearly one of the best years for physical media ever!
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Apologies, but I had to do another video for the youtube channel about more of my favorite Blu-rays of 2020, so you get another episode/audio version of that. There were just too many Blu-rays I still wanted to talk about because 2020 was a great year for physical media. I do hope you enjoy!
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In this episode, I am again incorporating audio from a video I did for the Just the Discs YouTube Channel. This video was called "My Favorite Blu-rays of 2020". Of course I've already done a Favorites of 2020 episode, but call this an addendum to that episode as I had a bunch more discs to talk about from a bunch of different labels. Enjoy!
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In another new feature, I will be incorporating the audio from some of my videos for the JTD YouTube channel into episodes for the podcast. In this first "Collection Update", I run through several discs I've picked up recently from Criterion, Kino Lorber, Arrow, Olive Films, Scream Factory and more.
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